Updated - 22 October 2018
Copyright - G P Sagar  2015
Communion Set Repair     for St. Edmundsbury Cathedral
Silver plated Nickle Silver  -  EPNS (Electro Plated Nickle Silver)
For periodic polishing I would recommend the use of Goddards ‘Long Term’ Foaming Silver Polish as this is very effective and non-abrasive.
One flask was leaking and sadly a repair attempt had been made using soft solder (lead based). This was not a good idea as lead and silver are not compatible - worst enemies in fact. The images show the result of applying soft solder under intense heat. The solution I used was to line the inside with Acrylic paint which is impervious to water and also inert offering a sensible degree of hygiene. A new leather seal was also added to the screw caps.
The box hinges repositioned and secured
The broken goblet drilled and tapped to take a screw and washer.
The cost of a replacement set would be approximately £850.00  (July 2014)
All pieces re-polished.